Reason Test Prep Articles 

Welcome to Reason Test Prep Articles. Over the course of decades tutoring the SAT, ACT, GMAT, and GRE, we’ve accumulated a lot of insight, and almost nothing pleases us more than sharing that knowledge with people who are hungry for it! 

Gallon Containers

Gallon Containers

This month’s brain teaser is not so bad! Yes, it requires thought (reasoning!), but it is doable. Give it a try! You have a three gallon and a five gallon measuring device. You can fill the containers with water as many times as you like or pour...

1000 Lockers

1000 Lockers

There are 1000 lockers in a high school with 1000 students. The problem begins with the first student opening all 1000 lockers; next the second student closes lockers 2,4,6,8,10 and so on to locker 1000; the third student changes the state (opens lockers...

Laying Eggs

Laying Eggs

This month’s brain teaser is on the “easier” side (though it is still a brain teaser: hint, hint).  As in previous newsletters, it’s also typical of the type of questions you see on standardized tests, especially the GMAT and GRE: If 4 hens can lay...

Table Numbers

Table Numbers

Club X has more than 10 but fewer than 40 members. Sometimes the members sit at tables with 3 members at one table and 4 members at each of the other tables, and sometimes they sit at tables with 3 members at one table and 5 members at each of the other...

GMAT Myth or Fact?

GMAT Myth or Fact?

You must get all, or at least most, of the early questions right in order to score well? As you will see with most of the myths/facts in this series, there is some truth and some fiction in the statement above. So let’s start with what definitely is true…...

Differences Between the SAT and ACT

Differences Between the SAT and ACT

Despite popular misconception, the SAT and ACT are actually much more similar than they are different. Both tests are essentially reasoning tests and both tests are based off of a very similar content base, so our approach to tutoring both tests is...

The Census

The Census

A census taker approaches a house and asks the woman who answers the door "How many children do you have, and what are their ages?" The woman says, "I have three children; the product of their ages is 36, and the sum of their ages is equal to the address of...

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