Virtually everyone who begins studying for the GMAT and GRE (and even many people who are months into the process) tend to misunderstand what the tests are really about. The GMAT and GRE are not typical tests for which you just memorize a body of content knowledge and...
There are many things that tend to give people trouble on Data Sufficiency, but one of the most common issues that people face is the problem of “information overload.” One of the skills that Data Sufficiency tests is a person’s ability to simultaneously juggle...
In a previous post I discussed the tendency that people have to “go on a hunch” on Data Sufficiency questions. This is a big no-no because DS questions are designed to punish people for making unwarranted assumptions. Generally speaking it is best to try to prove what...
So you wake up the morning of your big test and staring at you is a plate full of runny eggs. Do you eat them? Of course not! Ok, that is a pretty easy call. But what should you eat then? Well, this is really a bigger question because it also involves what you should...
If you read the some of the test prep books on the market on how to ace the ACT Science, you’ll notice a strategy they all share in common: don’t read first. The basic idea is that you should read the questions first, and then let them guide you to the places in the...