Back in the old days the GMAT Prep tests did not break down your performance by question type on the Quant and Verbal sections. Nor was there an Enhanced Score Report that did so on the actual GMAT. Now, with the existence of practice tests that indicate your...
The test optional movement is an ever-changing landscape with colleges changing and updating policies all the time. As of this writing (March 2023), some colleges have announced an extension of test optional policies (for example, Harvard has extended its...
It is a pretty well-accepted fact that within each section on the GMAT the early questions are slightly more important than the late ones (everything I have seen in all my years as a GMAT tutor has confirmed this and there have been some good experiments done by...
You must get all, or at least most, of the early questions right in order to score well? As you will see with most of the myths/facts in this series, there is some truth and some fiction in the statement above. So let’s start with what definitely is true… Doing “well”...
Parents and students alike are often unsure when to begin preparing for the SAT or ACT. Like most things in life there is no simple answer to this question and it depends somewhat on the student and his or her circumstances. We’ll go into much more detail in the...