Looking for an SAT, ACT, GMAT or GRE tutor?
Helping Raise Test Scores Since 2003
We are masters of the SAT, ACT, GMAT, and GRE and that is our sole focus (RTP tutors don’t do subject tutoring, homework help, or anything else). More importantly, we treat tutoring like it’s a science unto itself and strive to be the best tutors on the planet.
We bring two decades of experience tutoring the SAT, ACT, GMAT, and GRE to the table. Additionally, we’ve been doing online tutoring since 2011 and have developed the most effective methods for virtual instruction.
This stuff is fun for us, so we believe it should be fun for you too! We have serious work to do, but it needs to be enjoyable as well – happy test prep leads to happy outcomes, trust us!

What Sets Us Apart
A Focus on Reasoning
Whereas most tutors emphasize the “content” that appears on the tests, at RTP we focus on what matters most on the SAT, ACT, GMAT, and GRE: the reasoning and critical thinking skills that these tests are designed to measure! We’re not called “Reason” Test Prep for nothing!
Guides Not Just Tutors
We are not merely tutors. We are your guides through the entire process. For decades we have led students through every step of the process, so we know everything there is to know about how to effectively prepare for the tests.
Mastery of the tests is important.
But the ability to effectively transfer this mastery comes from years and years of experience doing it.
Students Tutored
Hours Tutored
Our greatest reward is happy students

Not sure where to begin?
Below are some helpful articles to get you started!
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We know the secrets of the exams and want to share them with you!
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